

  • 17 February 2024 Sat |
  •   故事 |
  •   ✉ 檢舉



Visualize a once-thriving village nestled deep within a dense forest, surrounded by towering mountains that reach into the clouds. This village, known for its prosperity and the happiness of its residents, met an abrupt change due to a sudden disaster. The illustration should capture the contrast between the village's former vibrancy and its current mysterious aura. Include elements that hint at its past prosperity, like remnants of well-built homes and communal spaces, now overtaken by nature. The forest around should be thick and enveloping, with the mountains providing a dramatic backdrop. The mood should be a mix of nostalgia and mystery, reflecting on the happy lives once led by the villagers and the abruptness of the change that left the village hidden and forgotten by time.




Illustrate a scene depicting Aria, a young woman who arrived in the village long ago, known for her beauty and empathy, quickly winning the trust and affection of the villagers. Show Aria in the center of the village, surrounded by intrigued villagers, with a subtle aura of mystery about her. She should appear as if she's gently communicating with the surrounding nature, hinting at her hidden mystical powers. Include elements that suggest her profound impact on the village, such as animals drawn to her or plants bending towards her presence, embodying the rumors of her ability to communicate with nature and possess magic. The background should subtly foreshadow the impending disaster with darkening skies or a faint, ominous energy enveloping the outskirts of the village, setting a scene of calm before the storm, with Aria at the heart of the village's fate.






艾文继续深入调查,他发现了一些关于艾莉亚的神秘线索。据说,艾莉亚拥有一枚神秘的护身符,据说可以拯救村庄于水深火热之中。而这枚护身符的下落成了一个谜团,许多人为了它而展开了激烈的争夺。Illustrate a scene where Ewen, a young explorer filled with curiosity, arrives at the ruins of the mysterious village, known as "The Village of Mysteries." The village is overgrown with vegetation, and time seems to have stood still, with remnants of buildings and objects that whisper tales of glory and disaster. Ewen is depicted in the midst of the ruins, examining ancient artifacts and relics, a look of determination on his face as he seeks to unravel the village's secrets. The atmosphere should be one of eerie silence and abandonment, yet with a spark of adventure as Ewen discovers clues about Aria's legend. Include subtle hints of Aria's presence or her mystical amulet, such as a faint glow or an enigmatic symbol in the background, suggesting the ongoing mystery of whether she was the village's savior or destroyer. The scene should capture the intrigue of exploring the forgotten and the allure of the unsolved mystery surrounding the village and Aria's fate.



Illustrate the moment Ewen discovers Aria's true hideout and uncovers the astonishing truth that Aria is not a human but a messenger from a mystical world. Portray Aria in her true form, emanating a gentle yet powerful aura, standing beside the mystical amulet that she brought to save the village. The setting should reflect a hidden, sacred place, possibly illuminated by ethereal light, suggesting its connection to the mystical world. Ewen should be depicted as awe-struck by the revelation, with elements around that hint at the mission Aria had and the disaster that befell the village due to misunderstandings and accidents. The scene should capture the poignant moment of Aria's decision to leave the amulet with a trustworthy individual to prevent further disasters, symbolizing her sacrifice and the depth of her mission.


